7 things you probably don’t know about me
Whelp ya’ll, I’m blogging.
I’ve decided I’m ready to SHARE WHAT I’VE GOT. And I’m going to do so with openness, honesty and authenticity about me as a person. Mostly so I can quit feeling like an imposter in my quest to help others grow too. :)
I do so with the hope of shining bright, and allowing anyone and everyone to enter my world. So…
Here’s 7 Random Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me….
(that will likely have very little impact on you, but feels good to share none the less :)
I’m in to sports these days – well, recreational activities. I climb rocks and mountain bike, do yoga and lift weights. I train regularly because damn is it cool to focus your energy and harness your strength. It makes me feel mighty and strong (things I never felt until recently). Feeling strong in nature allows me to feel connection in body and mind. I would not be as willing to pursue my dreams if it weren’t for understanding how challenge can support growth. These sports challenge me in many ways.
2. I spend a lot of time alone. Both by choice and by circumstance. But I’m choosing to hold this in high regard. By spending time with myself I have learned to listen to my body. I have learned to quiet my mind and feel the universe around me. It’s been profound and lonely and oh so challenging at times. But it also has allowed me to focus on my passion and become a badass business lady all while cooking and eating fabulous foods.
3. I almost got a beta fish. Like seriously considered one a few months back, but didn’t want to be 33 and single, with fish :|
4. I am a huge fan of writing things down. Lists, dreams, goals, budgets, recipes, GROCERY IDEAS, desires for life, visions for my future. I wake up most mornings and write down things I am grateful for. Friends, family, my body and my darling little home as top contenders. I also write down the reasons I want to expand my business, the qualities I see in my friends that I want to embody, how I can be more generous….the lists go on. I write down many things and if we work together, I will encourage you to do the same because writing sets in motion what we want to achieve.
5. I LOVE houseplants. Like seriously have an obsession. I’ve lived with some of these bad boys for over 10 years and in multiple states! They make my house feel alive.
6. I also love people. I find stories of life and love fascinating and am committed to the idea of service to others because it allows me to be part of the story. Maybe it’s my Quaker school background or that inherent desire to belong. Either way, I feel so lucky to interact with my tribe.
7. I’m secretly intrigued by astrology. Like I totally want to make fun of people who read horoscopes and ask for each other’s signs. But I also reference the stars and planets frequently. My brother’s would be rolling their eyes right now if only they knew.
Share what YOU’VE got with me. I’m ready to listen and learn :)